There comes a time in everyone’s life when the passage of time begins to leave its mark in the form of wrinkles. Tricks how to remove wrinkles from the face.
That’s when tackling wrinkles becomes one of the main goals of many of them. In fact, if you are reading this article you may have ever wondered how get rid of forehead wrinkles.
However, age and aging of the skin are not the only reasons why expression lines appear, as they are also generated by gesturing on a day-to-day basis. Likewise, the normal thing when you have many wrinkles in the forehead area, or they are very marked, is to resort to a facelift or another type of surgery to remove them. But first know the causes wrinkles on forehead which is most important.
How to combat forehead wrinkles
- Anti-wrinkle creams
The first thing you do to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows without resorting to surgery is to take care of your skin every day with anti-wrinkle creams or other specific products. It is convenient to use creams to prevent the appearance of more expression lines, but also to reduce existing ones.
Accessories to remove forehead wrinkles
– Botox.
It has been the star treatment for years, also used by many Hollywood celebrities. It consists of injecting botulinum toxin or botulinum in order to immobilize the facial muscles and prevent wrinkles from appearing. The main drawback is that you can end up losing facial expression if it is abused.
– Hyaluronic acid.
The system is the same as with botox to treat forehead wrinkles, only in this case what is injected is hyaluronic acid. However, it has more acceptance because its result is more natural, since facial expression and mobility in the muscles are not lost. Sometimes it is used in combination with collagen to fill in wrinkles.
– Vitamins. In many aesthetic or beauty centers they also carry out infiltrations of vitamins C and E that are key for the skin. They can also contain compounds that are antioxidants, hyaluronic acid or collagen, depending on the needs of each skin. In addition, you will get a skin without wrinkles, more radiant and vitaminized.
– Mesotherapy. Apart from being useful to eliminate cellulite, this system is also used on the face to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead. Homeopathic products with vitamins, amino acids and minerals are often injected where the skin needs them most.
– Facial radiofrequency. It consists of the application of electromagnetic waves in the most superficial layers of the skin to tighten them and make wrinkles disappear.
– Diode laser. It is used to renew the cells of the skin of the face and tighten the muscles to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead.
– Tensioning wires. This treatment is not considered a surgical intervention, but small micro-incisions must be made to insert the threads and correct the position of the skin.